In 2017, I embarked on a journey into the realm of 3D printing, initially crafting starships for my personal collection. Over time, my expertise and tools evolved, enabling me to produce increasingly accurate and intricately detailed prints. It was a momentous occasion when I realized that I could offer affordable replacement stands for the large-scale starships I had been creating. This realization marked the genesis of my Etsy venture.
In 2023, I established Pulsefired Gaming on Etsy, a platform dedicated to sharing my passion for 3D-printed starships with fellow enthusiasts. Serving as a hub for gamers and collectors alike, Pulsefired Gaming has been a labor of love, allowing me to fulfill orders and create custom pieces for customers who share my passion.
At Pulsefired Gaming, we take pride in fostering the growth of individuals' collections, whether they're seeking pieces for miniature games like Full Thrust, Star Wars Armada, Onepagerules Warfleets, or simply yearning to hold their favorite starships in their hands and bring them to life through painting.
Let Pulsefired Gaming be your go-to destination for 3D-printed starships, and let us bring your favorite vessels into your hands today.
In 2023, I established Pulsefired Gaming on Etsy, a platform dedicated to sharing my passion for 3D-printed starships with fellow enthusiasts. Serving as a hub for gamers and collectors alike, Pulsefired Gaming has been a labor of love, allowing me to fulfill orders and create custom pieces for customers who share my passion.
At Pulsefired Gaming, we take pride in fostering the growth of individuals' collections, whether they're seeking pieces for miniature games like Full Thrust, Star Wars Armada, Onepagerules Warfleets, or simply yearning to hold their favorite starships in their hands and bring them to life through painting.
Let Pulsefired Gaming be your go-to destination for 3D-printed starships, and let us bring your favorite vessels into your hands today.